Im Zuge meines Audiowalks für 48h Neulkölln zum Thema „urbane Stille“ 2024 haben mir die bei den Textaufnahmen der 3 Texte für die 3 Hörstationen die Audiospektren sehr gut gefallen. So habe ich von allen 3 Texten die Textenden als Audiospektren als Fotoprints produziert. Sehen, hören, lesen. Kunst und Sprache, Text und Bild. Sichtbarwerdung der Stimme. Der Stimmfarbe. Der Textwärme.

1 – du unheimliche verkettung von möglichkeiten, die entschieden gestalt anzunehmen
2 – geheimnisumwitterte gehende gegangene gedankenbrandung
3 – geheimnis / ich nenne dich nicht / mein / ich kenne dich / geheimnis
Fotoprints, hier 60×40 cm
Thinking about about 2022

Text Body & Portraits, 2017 – now
i.dentity, reality and the digital age.
„Drawing“ with typewriter on paper. a kind of „painting by numbers“. my portraits and text body consist of the words: text, sex, woman, women or dis_appearance.
I create portraits of people who never existed, who are pure fiction – in a way like all of us who are constantly telling and retelling our own story. beings who are constantly inventing and losing themselves.

Follower, 2021
Follower is a project in which I noted down the follower numbers of the accounts I visited during a spontaneous session on Instagram.
typewriter on handmade paper.

Digital Age / Identity, 2018 – now

Corona, 2020/21
My first mask. The isolation. The i_solation. The date of the first corona infection in Germany recorded on paper, bilingual.

„useless words“ is a work from January 2017, when Donald Trump was sworn in
as President of the United States. You can see two bags with the flag of the United States, one bag titled „useless words“, one with „meaningless words“.
They contain words like: freedom, freedom of speech, truth, democracy, human rights, dream, respect – bagged in like evidence in a criminal case.
I am writing about this work in a catalogue that I have been „inspired“
by the new tone in the White House, including the fact that the balance of power
in the world has shifted, or is beginning to shift, because suddenly a new order
had moved into the White House with a new language that tramples
on the values that the United States has held since its founding.
also you can see a brush glued with oil paint on which „bright china“ is written.
„Bright“ is actually a type of brush, for example to be able to draw sharp edges.
Underneath you can see a notepaper with the words: freedom of speech, freedom, human rights, justice, truth.
i like to combine those works with my pictures of cut down trees.

Text Art and Humor

about my visual poetry/text art: it all began when my typewriter got stuck. that was when i discovered vertical writing. the – to me – unfamiliar direction of writing made me understand language as a material in a new way. since then i am experimenting with the wide range of text-based art. in some cases this kind of art is obviously visual poetry. i work associative. in connection with language as material different kinds of paper and of writing media are of deep interest to me. the investigation of the interrelation of meaning and media is an important concern, the question how to convey meaning by media. combines of abstract painting and text are also a fascinating subject to me and therefore a field of experimentation. the process is again often associative. i examine how image and text interwine, complement each other, create contradictons. the combines generate their own dynamic. i am furthermore interested in the genre of picture-poems and the classical manner of setting them to the paintings side.