In der Reihe „Texturen“ des Rombach Wissenschaft Verlags ist jetzt der Band „Text/Körper – Ästhetiken und Praktiken literarischer (Un-)Sichtbarkeit herausgegeben von Dr.Vanessa Höving (FernUniversität Hagen) und Jun.-Prof. Lena Wetenkamp (Universität Trier) erschienen. Im letzten Jahr kam überraschend die Anfrage seitens der Herausgeberinnen, ob sie eine meiner Textkörper-Arbeiten mit Typewriter auf Papier als Cover verwenden dürften. Sie durften sehr gerne. Es ist ein unglaubliches Gefühl, wenn sich plötzlich ein Bild verselbständigt und wie hier das Bild „Textkörper/Lippenstift“ zu einem Cover wird. Schön, die schon großen Kinder in die Welt zu geben, auf dass sie ihren Weg finden… Ich freue mich sehr darüber.
Wer sich für „Körper in Texten, Körper als Texte und Texte als Körper“ interessiert, dem/der möchte ich innig dieses Buch empfehlen. Sehr inspirierend, auch für zukünftige Bilder.
Zum Buch bei der Texturen, Rombach Wissenschaft:

AUDIOWALK 48h Neukölln

Das diesjährige Thema von 48h Neukölln ist „Urbane Stille“. Von Freitag, dem 28.Juni bis Sonntag, den 30. Juni lädt mein Hörspaziergang „Der Moment/lässt sich Zeit“ entlang des Maybachufers zum Aufhorchen und nach innen Horchen ein. An drei Stellen: U-Bahn Schönleinstr. / Maybachufer Anker Klause / Maybachufer Ecke Hobrechtbrücke finden sich Aktionsfelder auf dem Asphalt. Dort können QR-Codes gescannt und Texte zum Festivalthema gehört werden, die auch um Identität und Vergänglichkeit kreisen. Die Texte gehören zusammen, stehen aber auch für sich. Die Aktion möchte zu einem Spaziergang entlang des Maybachufers einladen, zum Walkabout, zum Finden des eigenen Rhythmus. Alle Infos finden sich im offiziellen Programm von 48h: HÖRSPAZIERGANG Der Moment/lässt sich Zeit


die feministische Intervention galerie asterisk* der Künstlerin Christina Stark ist unter den Nominierungen des diesjährigen Kunstpreis des Haus am Kleistpark. Die galerie asterisk* ist eine großartige Aktion für Künstlerinnen mit Kind – danke dafür. 2020 habe ich mich mit der Arbeit Portrait of my Mother (visuelle Poesie) beteiligt (siehe unten).

Die Ausstellung aller Nominierten ist vom 26.8. – 2.10.2022 im Haus am Kleistpark zu sehen.

the feminist intervention galerie asterisk* by artist Christina Stark is among the nominations of this year’s art award of the Haus am Kleistpark. The galerie asterisk* is a great campaign for female artists with child – thank you for that. In 2020 I participated with the work Portrait of my Mother (visual poetry) (see below).

The exhibition of all nominees can be seen from 26.8. – 2.10.2022 at the Haus am Kleistpark Berlin.

Dead Darlings – anonymous art auction

Happy that a work of mine is part of the auction!

Dead Darlings #14 —
From Stage-fright to Limelight

Date: 9 April 2022
Where: Heimathafen Theater, Berlin
Register for the Auction: here
Doors open for preview: 13:00
Auction starts sharp: 15:00 

Dead Darlings is an anonymous art auction founded in Amsterdam in 2005 as a platform to explore the complex love triangle between artist, artwork, and collector.

Our events combine elements of performance and exhibition. Our focus is on artifacts whose value is ambiguous: dead darlings. Works that for whatever reason have not yet come to light. A dead darling is something artists would not normally sell; sometimes B-sides of the artistic process, sometimes greatest hits that were just never played before!

All Infos & Catalogue:


galerie asterisk * devotes a solo – exhibition to artists in the year of birth of their child. Retrospectively, all births are archived as an exhibition. galerie asterisk * thus acts politically against exclusive practice in the cultural sector. The aim is to network through the CV´svisible and recognizable.

ART OF SUSTAINABILITY, 50th anniversary exhibition of Galerie GG3, Berlin, 2020

We exhibit what we understand by art of sustainability. Since 2012, we have developed this in 49 exhibitions with 220 artists and professionally deepened by our lecturers. For our anniversary exhibition, we invited artists who had previously exhibited with us. They created works that present sustainability issues in a critical and visionary way. We show the power of art for the sustainable transformation of society!

Artistic interpretation of the participatory book İDA’NIN YOLU / IDAS WEG VON FULYA GEZER (Turkish/German)

Recently, Nina Schuchardt, art historian and publisher at Eichhörnchenverlag, asked me to interprete the Turkish-German participatory book İDA’NIN YOLU / IDAS WEG by Fulya Gezer. Eichhörnchenverlag publishes books designed by artists* for children.

The article about my vision of İDA’NIN YOLU / IDAS WEG with detailed art-historical view of my interpretation by Nina Schuchardt can be found on the publisher’s blog:

CONTEXT III, Foundry Art Centre, St. Charles, MO 63301, USA, MAY 8 – JUNE 19, 2020

OPENS: Friday, May 8th at 6:00 pm

Juror Levi Sherman will share his thoughts on the exhibition and announced the award winners through video.


Last held August 2017, the Foundry Art Centre presents an all media exhibition focusing on the written word’s role in the visual arts. Contemporary society is saturated with media and this exhibition will showcase how intertwined the literary and visual arts are. Submitting artists can utilize the written word literally, symbolically, texturally, and/or referentially.

Home: Think globally, act locally, Galerie GG3, Berlin, 2020

Exhibition 20.3. – 8.5.2020, Tuesdays and Fridays 17-20
objects, installations, photo, video, audio
Programme: reading, workshop, singsong

Due to acute corona danger, the exhibition will take place online.

Art Prize (Collage), Münzenberg Forum Berlin, 2019

The motto of the fourth art competition of the Willi Münzenberg Forum Berlin is: „Up ahead they’s a thousan’ lives we might live, but when it comes it’ll on’y be one.” (John Steinbeck, Grapes of Wrath)

I am very happy to have won second place for my Collage „Rosige Aussichten“ (Rosy Prospects“).

I would also like to invite you to the vernissage and award ceremony on October 1. There are many great political artworks to discover.

Exhibition & Reading #README, 2019

On Saturday, June 22, photographer Anke Jungbluth, artist Lisa Büscher (sculpture) and I will exhibit together again. This time in Anke’s Artspace im_raum in Berlin-Kreuzberg. There will be a reading, too. Author & publisher Jürgen Volk (Verlag duotincta) will present his novel „Unbedingt“ about Van Gogh and Gauguin in the yellow house (published 2017 by Bernstein as paperback and by Edel & Electric as e-book), Daniel Breuer his novel „nathanroad.rec“ (published 2017 by duotincta) and I will present a text of the manuscript of my new collection of stories „Vom Miteinander“ (soon to be published by VHV-Verlag).

Vernissage: 6 pm, readings: from 8 pm.

Address: im_raum, Mittenwalder Straße 46a, 10961 Berlin, Souterrain. Free admission.

Art Kreuzberg, 2018

At the beginning of September „Art Kreuzberg“ invites you to an art tour in the Bergmannkiez and Graefekiez . My studio is open to the public on both days.

Saturday, September 8th at 3 pm there will be a studio tour/artist talk.

Sunday, September 9th at 3 pm I will read from my new collection of stories „Vom Dazwischen“.

If you want to stop by sooner or later, you will find more works of mine at Artspace „im_raum“ of Anke Jungbluth, same house, basement.

48h Neukölln, Lesung @ LiTE-Haus Galerie, 2018

Saturday, June 23rd and Sunday, June 24th I will read from 13 – 14 o’clock in the LiTE-Haus Galerie in Neukölln, Mareschstraße 4, (Richardkiez).

Two of the three texts on this year’s festival theme „New Authenticity“ are from my collection of stories „Vom Dazwischen“. The third one was written in confrontation with the works of the artists* exhibited on site (Doreen Trittel, Carla Pohl, Sabine Küster, Ana Bathe, Aino Onia, Dirk-Martin Heinzelmann, Jürgen Bürgin).

Exhibition MOMENTS OF CHANGE, 2018


In May i will be exhibiting together with photographer Anke Jungbluth and figure maker Lisa Büscher at art project space „unter Urban“ at Urbanstraße 176 in 10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg.

Vernissage: Saturday, May 19th, 6 pm.

Finissage: Sunday, May 27th, 4 pm.

Leipziger Buchmesse 2018

In my capacity as language artist i will be reading at the Leipzig Book Fair on March 18th, Leseinsel Autorengemeinschaftspräsentation, Hall 5.

More information about books & the VHV-Verlag für Literatur und Kultur

ART FAIR Berliner Liste 2017

From September 15 – 17 works of mine will be on display at Art Fair Berliner Liste (group show, topic: 7 deadly sins).

Organization: Bees & Butterflies – Agency for Creative, Dr. Carola Muysers.

I am looking forward to all sins. And their forgiveness.

Art Kreuzberg, 2017, open Studio

On September 9th and 10th ART KREUZBERG invites you to a studio and gallery tour in the Bergmannkiez and Graefekiez Berlin.

The studio is open on both days from 13 – 20 hrs.

Sunday, 3pm: Reading from my collection of stories „Von Verwandlungen“ („Of Transformations“).

From 5 p.m. on, I recommend a performance in the basement of Mittenwalder Straße 46a Artspace „im_raum“.

Lesung VON VERWANDLUNGEN, @ Studio Victoria Hohmann, 2017

On 6 May at 7 pm I will read from my first collection of stories „Of Transformations“.

A man dissolves into the remnants of his lost love, a woman sleepwalks through her past to reinvent herself, children’s eyes change political views, screens create surprising transformations, synchronisation decomposes life – and unexpectedly leads to a magical metamorphosis.

More about the book on the website of VHV-Verlag.

Current works can also be seen in the studio.

Exhibition CURRICULA VITAE, 2016

Dear friends and art lovers
I cordially invite you to the joint exhibition „curricula vitae“ by Arta Ante and me @ LiITE-Haus Galerie. The vernissage will take place on October 21st at 19 o’clock.

LiTE-House Gallery
Mareschstr. 4 – 12055 Berlin

Vernissage: 21 October / 7 pm
Finissage: 28 October / 6 pm

Art Kreuzberg 2016, open Studio

The studio is open for „Art Kreuzberg“ on Saturday, September 10th from 3 – 8 pm and

Sunday, September 11th from 2-6 pm.