Kategorie: Uncategorized
Home: Think globally, act locally, Galerie GG3, Berlin, 2020
Exhibition 20.3. – 8.5.2020, Tuesdays and Fridays 17-20objects, installations, photo, video, audioProgramme: reading, workshop, singsong Due to acute corona danger, the exhibition will take place online.
Art Prize (Collage), Münzenberg Forum Berlin, 2019
The motto of the fourth art competition of the Willi Münzenberg Forum Berlin is: „Up ahead they’s a thousan’ lives we might live, but when it comes it’ll on’y be one.” (John Steinbeck, Grapes of Wrath) I am very happy to have won second place for my Collage „Rosige Aussichten“ (Rosy Prospects“). I would also…
Exhibition & Reading #README, 2019
On Saturday, June 22, photographer Anke Jungbluth, artist Lisa Büscher (sculpture) and I will exhibit together again. This time in Anke’s Artspace im_raum in Berlin-Kreuzberg. There will be a reading, too. Author & publisher Jürgen Volk (Verlag duotincta) will present his novel „Unbedingt“ about Van Gogh and Gauguin in the yellow house (published 2017 by Bernstein as paperback and by Edel &…
Art Kreuzberg, 2018
At the beginning of September „Art Kreuzberg“ invites you to an art tour in the Bergmannkiez and Graefekiez . My studio is open to the public on both days. Saturday, September 8th at 3 pm there will be a studio tour/artist talk. Sunday, September 9th at 3 pm I will read from my new collection…
48h Neukölln, Lesung @ LiTE-Haus Galerie, 2018
Saturday, June 23rd and Sunday, June 24th I will read from 13 – 14 o’clock in the LiTE-Haus Galerie in Neukölln, Mareschstraße 4, (Richardkiez). Two of the three texts on this year’s festival theme „New Authenticity“ are from my collection of stories „Vom Dazwischen“. The third one was written in confrontation with the works of…
In May i will be exhibiting together with photographer Anke Jungbluth and figure maker Lisa Büscher at art project space „unter Urban“ at Urbanstraße 176 in 10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg. Vernissage: Saturday, May 19th, 6 pm. Finissage: Sunday, May 27th, 4 pm.
Leipziger Buchmesse 2018
In my capacity as language artist i will be reading at the Leipzig Book Fair on March 18th, Leseinsel Autorengemeinschaftspräsentation, Hall 5.
ART FAIR Berliner Liste 2017
From September 15 – 17 works of mine will be on display at Art Fair Berliner Liste (group show, topic: 7 deadly sins). Organization: Bees & Butterflies – Agency for Creative, Dr. Carola Muysers. I am looking forward to all sins. And their forgiveness.
Art Kreuzberg, 2017, open Studio
On September 9th and 10th ART KREUZBERG invites you to a studio and gallery tour in the Bergmannkiez and Graefekiez Berlin. The studio is open on both days from 13 – 20 hrs. Sunday, 3pm: Reading from my collection of stories „Von Verwandlungen“ („Of Transformations“). From 5 p.m. on, I recommend a performance in the…